Jati Handayani, Muhammad Rois, Hartono Hartono, Lardin Korawijayanti, Siti Arbainah, Maria Theresia Heni Widyarti, Nikmatuniayah Nikmatuniayah, Rikawati Rikawati, Zulaika Putri Rokhimah, Septian Yudha Kusuma


The COVID-19 pandemic has made the Tik Tok Chicken Micro Business sales drop very sharply by up to 70 percent. With limited knowledge of entrepreneurial management in the fields of finance, production and marketing, efforts to bounce back from adversity can be pursued through various alternatives according to urgent needs. Based on the results of field observations and direct interviews with objects and FGDs, it was found that the Tik Tok Chicken Restaurant was confused about determining the cost of production with new packaging, promotional facilities were not representative and there were damaged production equipment that could disrupt the production process when market conditions returned to normal. Based on this, it can be formulated that the provision of training and assistance in the implementation of calculating the cost of production, packaging of environmentally friendly products, marketing and production needs to be immediately realized in the Tik Tok Micro Chicken Business. To get better results, monev is also needed.


Micro Enterprises; Cost of Production; Eco Friendly Packaging

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