Mardinawati Mardinawati, Agus Suwondo, Ahmad Wafa Mansur, Afiat Sadida, Sugiarti Sugiarti


Nowadays, the application of information technology is widely used in various fields, the education sector also uses it. In an educational institution, of course, really needs an information system in regulating academic activities that are fast, effective, efficient, accurate to improve the quality standards of education at the educational institution. Academic activities, especially in scheduling activities for the Accounting Department at the Politeknik Negeri Semarang. Problems that occur at this time are changes to the latest regulations; there is a request that the lecturer concerned cannot teach at a certain time; and the lecturer has not been able to see his own schedule. The research begins with a field study by identifying requirements in the form of an overview of the system, then preparing a working model, testing the prototype using the black box method, and finally reviewing the prototype. With this latest version of the course scheduling information system in the Polines Accounting Department, it is hoped that it can help schedule course activities more easily, minimize the risk of clashes between lecturers and classrooms by adjusting to the latest regulations.


Academic; Information System; Scheduling; Prototype Method; Black Box.

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