Dianita Ratna Kusumastuti, Fikri Praharseno, Baiq Heny Sulistiawati, Vemi Widoanindyawati, Teguh Mulyo Wicaksono


The development of the construction world today is very significant with the implementation of various methods and technologies that can support the construction process. One of them is the development of formwork system technology as a fresh concrete mold for high-rise building structures. Formwork is one of the subject in Civil Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Semarang. On the other hand, the demand for Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program requaires to be supported by resources that are in sync with those in the industry in the context of teaching factories. Nowdays, Formwork that’s made of wood and multiplex had been abandoned because the quantity of wood materials from nature is getting less and their durability decrease. Therefore, the industrial world currently uses a formwork system with the knockdown method where this system uses environmentally friendly materials and can be reused. The methods used include Step I Preparation of plan drawings, Step II preparation of tools and materials, Step III cutting and welding materials, Step IV assembling materials with a knockdown system. The result of this study is a formwork of coloumn with knockdown system that have the dimention 40 x 40 cm and 3 m (high) and the strengthness of this formwork system is equivalent to a thickness of 23.3 mm with a setup duration of 30 minutes working hours.


Teaching factory; Formwork; knockdown system

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Panduan Pelaksanaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Di Perguruan Tinggi Edisi XI Tahun 2017. Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi.

Panduan Pelaksanaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Semarang Edisi 2 Tahun 2020. Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Semarang.


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