Iwan Hermawan, Sartono Sartono, Suharmanto Suharmanto, Bayu Setyo Nugroho


Popular acoustic musical instruments from home industry in Bendosari, Sukoharjo, such as violins, guitars, and ukuleles. Departing from the interview with Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) partners (2021) there was a decline of market demand up to 40% for violin products. Even though demand is existed, buyers dominantly like the cheapest product, so SME are looking for breakthroughs improvement in production processes to reduce prices. Another problem is no system that provides a track record of business profitability, which makes it difficult for SME to access investment resources. Cash inflow and cash outflow are immeasurable. Besides, SME still rely on direct selling, while the number of direct visits to galleries has decreased by 80%. This phenomenon creates challenges for SME to survive in the industry today. The direction of this community development are (1) improving the pattern of the violin body ornament to make it more presentable and varied, (2) creating a financial record system that practically helps profit calculation and (3) creating an online marketing network. In highlight, this community development was strengthening production support for SME partner. The impact of this development provided production design enrichment, production volume improvement, SME induction of financial management and product recognition expansion.


community development; entrepreneurship; productivity; acoustic SMEs; violin.

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