Sartono Sartono, Manarotul Fatati, Tyas Listyani, Edi Wijayanto, Atif Windawati


The application that has developed over the last five years and has become a pioneer in online applications is from the transportation aspect with the GOJEK application with one of its flagship features, gofood. However, over the last 3 months there has been an early decline in revenue. 2019 due to intense competition and negative responses to Go-Food merchants from the sample interviews.

This study aims to determine and analyze how the influence of the quality of goods and price perceptions on the purchase intention of go-food traders in Semarang. This study discusses several factors such as product quality and price perception and their effect on e-wom, and their effect on purchase intention. The population in this study are customers of go-food traders in Semarang. The number of samples used as many as 146 people who were selected by purposive sampling through a questionnaire.

The result of the research is that product quality has a significant effect on e-wom. Price perception has a significant effect on e-wom. E-wom has a significant effect on buying interest. As a result, go-food traders can increase buying interest through the influence of product quality and price on e-wom.


Product Quality; Price; E-Word of Mouth; Buying Interest

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Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2.


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