Kusmayadi Kusmayadi, Dewi Sri Marsanti, Didik Susilo Tamtomo, Mirasanti Wahyuni


This study aims to (1) measure the level of achievement of e-Learning-based learning objectives, (2) measure the availability of infrastructure in e-Learning learning, (3) measure the level of students' ability to use technology, and (4) measure the level of time efficiency in learning. e-Learning learning.

From the number of respondents as many as 92 students, the results obtained indicate that (1) although the level of achievement of e-Learning-based learning objectives is relatively good, it is necessary to find the right method to be able to monitor and accurately assess students. Lecturers find it difficult to monitor and make accurate assessments of the actual ability level of students, because the results of student work are relatively the same, (2)  materials that have been "secret" have become "public goods" that can be accessed by all students, including the answer key.  If there is no update to the practice material, the younger class can collect the results of the practice before the practice itself starts.


e-learning; online; practice material; updating

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