Endro Wasito, Sri Anggraeni Kadiran, Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat, Abu Hasan, Tahan Prahara


The presence of lecturers is an obligation as a civil servant. This attendance includes daily attendance and attendance in carrying out teaching tasks. This reporting still uses the manual method, namely filling out the control form for teaching activities, during the pandemic where PBM activities are carried out online, reporting is also done online, via e-mail to the department. During the pandemic, lecturers' daily attendance was carried out online (via google form). In this condition, there are obstacles, among others, lecturers often forget to do daily attendance online, lecturers often enter their personal data incorrectly on the attendance form, lecturers cannot see reports on their performance recap. The administrative staff doing the recap process still uses the manual method using Excel, so it takes a long time and risks errors to occur. This study aims to create a web and Android application to improve and facilitate lecturers in carrying out daily attendance and attendance carrying out teaching assignments. For reporting daily attendance recap and teaching attendance of lecturers, PBM administration can select and print as needed. So that administrative staff will be facilitated in the process of recapping attendance reports and PBM activities accurately and quickly.


PBM; Web; Android

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