Daeng Supriyadi Pasisarha, Aggie Brenda Vernandez, Hery Purnomo, Akhmad Jamaah, Amir Subagyo


Electric batteries can be used as an alternative electrical energy. With proper battery energy management this can help reduce the amount of energy consumption purchased from PLN. One way is to recharge the battery energy using photovoltaic or solar cells during the day, and then use it to supply the lighting load at night. It is necessary to determine the proper number and capacity of the battery for electrical energy consumption in household lighting to create a good efficiency between energy use and investment costs. The average electrical energy required to supply household lighting loads with a combined load consist of 3 unit of 5 watt DC LED lamps, 5 unit of 7 watt DC LED lamps, and 1 unit of 10 watt DC LED lamp is 70.33 Ah. The battery capacity used in this research has met the minimum standard for battery operation in the loading scheme. Increasing the number of lamp or increasing the lamp power capacity requires an additional battery pack for the battery set to operate in its optimal mode.


batteru; energy; LED; lightning; photovoltaic

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