Wahjoedi Wahjoedi, Kusdiyono Kusdiyono, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Herry Ludiro Wahyono, Jamal Mahbub


Along with the progress of the construction world, the need for portland cement as an adhesive for concrete mixtures is increasing. On the one hand, the presence of portland cement can facilitate the manufacture of concrete according to the quality of the planned building. But on the other hand, the increasing demand for portland cement can increase air pollution. Because the portland cement production process produces carbon dioxide emissions which can increase the potential for the greenhouse effect. Under these conditions, the researchers tried to reduce dependence on portland cement by substituting portland cement using tras from Ds. Sendangwaru District. Kragan Kab. Rembang, Central Java. The research was conducted by substituting portland cement using tras for the manufacture of type M mortar with a substitution percentage of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. From the results of the research, the compressive strength of the mortar resulting from the substitution of portland cement using tras as follows: 1) 0% substitution resulted in the compressive strength of mortar 33.84 MPa; 2) 10% substitution resulted in a mortar compressive strength of 21.40 MPa; 3) the substitution of 15% produces a mortar compressive strength of 18.35 MPa; 4) the substitution of 20% resulted in a mortar compressive strength of 14.29 MPa; 5) substitution of 25% resulted in a mortar compressive strength of 12.93 MPa. So from this study it can be concluded that the use of tras as a substitute for portland cement can meet the criteria for type M mortar (compressive strength of 17.2 MPa) optimally at a percentage of tras up to 15%.


portland cement; tras; type M mortar; carbon dioxide emission; compressive strength

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