Vemi Widoanindyawati, Brenanto Tsaqofa Widodo, Tri Wardaya, Yustinus Eka Wiyana, Dadiyono Amat Pawiro, Leily Fatmawati


Soft soil or often referred to as soft soil is one of the types of soil that has a very small carrying capacity value. The value of soft soil support capacity only ranges from 7-29 kN / m2. Therefore, many building failures occur due to decreased bearing capacity values. As an example of frequent building failures is a ununiform settlement. The decrease in soft soil that occurs can reach 140 - 480 mm at some foundation points. Therefore, ground improvement are carried out to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation building. Ground treatment is done by injecting a mixture of water cement or more commonly called the grouting method. The purpose of this treatment is to increase the value of soil bearing capacity. The results of the calculation of soil bearing capacity before treatment is carried out at a depth of 10 meters, namely 12 kN / m2, 24.25 kN / m2, 202.07 kN / m2, 32.33 kN / m2. The increase in the bearing capacity of the soil is analyzed using a comparison of sondir values in the form (qc) before and after the treatment. The qc value is converted to the soil elasticity modulus value (E) and is used as a parameter in the calculation of soil bearing capacity on plaxis. The modulus elasticity will be analyzed using Bowles (1997) which is E = 8qc. Based on the results of the conversion of the soil modulus elasticity, then by using Finite Element Plaxis Software there is an increase in the soil baring capacity at the same point.


Grouting; soil modulus elasticity; treatment; soft soil; bearing capacity

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