Lardin Korawijayanti, Tutik Dwi Karyanti, Arum Febriyanti Ciptaningtias, Ardian Widiarto


IPR protection will be beneficial for SMEs in terms of: 1) IPR information as a means of product development and marketing; 2) IPR protection will ensure an increase in market position at the local and global level, an increase in competence and 3) IPR as a marketing tool. Even so, UKM Sekar Melati Handycraft has not registered copyright for its products due to limited capital and lack of understanding of the benefits of registering Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) for the SME industry.

So this Community Service aims to provide an understanding of the benefits of protecting IPR for Sekar Melati Handicraft SMEs and to help fund and apply for Copyright Certificates for 2 Sekar Melati Handicraft SMEs products to the Director General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

With the acquisition of Copyrights for the original products created by UKM Sekar Melati Handycraft, it is hoped that it can give confidence to SMEs in marketing their products and increase their competitive advantage.


IPR; Copyright Certificate; Competitive Advantage.

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