Muhammad Asrori, Toni Hartono, Noor Suroija


Rembang Regency is a regency located at the northeastern tip of Central Java Province. Rembang Regency is a place for marine tourism because it has a long coastline. Punjulharjo Village, Rembang District, Rembang Regency is located east of Rembang City, is one of the villages in Rembang Regency which is located on the coast. Currently, what is being developed in the village of Punjulharjo is the marine sector, namely marine tourism at the Ginger Coral Beach (Karang Jahe Beach).

In supporting tourism villages in the marine sector, the Karangjahe Beach Management Agency was formed with the form of marine business activities such as beach outbound activities, beach volleyball, educational historical tours (ancient boats), cultural and handicraft tours etc.

In this PKM program, it is hoped that the Punjulharjo village will be better known and have an impact on increasing tourist visits in the area with good governance.

 UMKM (Karangjahe Beach Management Agency) problems: a). Aspects of service production and human resources: Inadequate communication skills of tour guides, including communication in English b). Marketing aspect: service is still not optimal so that it affects the number of sales of tour packages and tourist visits c). Financial administration aspects: There is still a lack of understanding and application of good financial management arrangements.

The methods applied in this program are: a). Training, b). Assistance, c) Assistance with tools in the form of a guiding book d). Monitoring and feed back

 The planned activities / programs are: a) Guiding training / assistance in English b). Making guiding pocket book c). Training / mentoring to strengthen marketing aspects, especially improving service quality d). Making excellent service standard guide book.

 The resulting outputs are: (a). Availability of guiding pocket book (b). Availability of excellent service standard guidebook. (c). Increase in tourist visitors at least 10% compared to the previous year. (C). Scientific articles in scientific journals or national seminars


tourism village; tourism business

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Muhammad Tofan, Ari Subowo, Maesaroh (2012). Faktor Penghambat pengembangan desa wisata.

Profil desa wisata Karasgede


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