Sukamto Sukamto, Kurnianingsih Kurnianingsih, Muhammad Irwan Yanwari, Nurseno Bayu Aji, Wiktasari Wiktasari


The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on all groups, including groups such as pregnant women. It is not only the issue of transmission that is the direct impact of Covid-19. However, there are also indirect implications that are of less concern at this time, namely regarding access to health services for women during pregnancy and childbirth. Restrictions on access to health services are directly recommended for pregnant women during this pandemic. This is done because pregnant women are a vulnerable group who can contract Covid-19. Restrictions on the mobility of pregnant women during this pandemic can actually be a misperception. Where pregnancy checks are not a must to do, even though it can involve the safety of pregnant women and the children they are carrying. In addition, the impact of social distancing and lockdown policies can be an obstacle to the use of health services. In this case, pregnant women also need to spend additional money as a condition for getting services during this pandemic, which includes rapid examinations which are a requirement to get services at health facilities. If a solution is not formulated, this problem will explode again in the next epidemic. Based on these problems, we need media that can assist pregnant women in conducting consultations and remote monitoring to help maintain during their pregnancy, so we propose a research proposal "Teleconsulting for Pregnant Women Based on Mobile Applications for Covid 19 Prevention" where the media will assist in the consultation process. and monitoring pregnant women without having to do face-to-face. The methods used in this research are Requirements Gathering, Quick Design, Prototype Development, Prototype Testing, Prototype Improvement, and Prototype Results. With the resulting system, it is hoped that pregnant women can conduct pregnancy consultations remotely, thereby reducing the risk of spreading Covid19.


Online Consultation System; Mobile Application; Pregnant Mother

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