Azizah Azizah, isnaini Nurkhayati, Endang Sulistiyani, Winarto Winarto, Febrina Indrasari


E-Commerce has developed very rapidly in Indonesia in recent years. To support this, the E-Commerce course is taught in the Department of Business Administration. The E-Commerce course aims to encourage students of the Department of Business Administration to become self-employed after graduating from college. However, based on the results of the 2019 tracer study report, alumni who open their own businesses only revolve around 10%. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to create an appropriate learning model for E-commerce courses so as to support the achievement of increasing student interest in entrepreneurship with e-commerce. The method used in this study begins with a learning approach, determines learning strategies, determines learning methods, implements learning techniques, applies learning tactics and assembles into a learning model. The research conducted shows that Self Directed Learning and Small Group Discussion are the methods most students choose to study material based on theory and understanding, while the Project Based Learning Method is the learning method that is mostly chosen by students to learn practice-based material.


e-commerce; learning model

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