Paryono Paryono, Poedji Haryanto, Hariyanto Hariyanto, Muhammad Showi Nailul Ulum


HSS (High Speed Steel) chisel is still widely used, because it is tough, easy to sharpen, cheap and easy to get. The machining process to produce machine components needs to be planned logically. The shape and geometry of the tool need to be selected, the cutting conditions V, f, and a determined to meet the objective of producing the required component. By installing an ammeter and voltmeter on a lathe, the amount of machining power, cutting power and then tool life can be determined by looking at the extreme increase in machining power, while the cutting time is recorded with a stop watch. This study aims to find the empirical constant of tool life HSS M2, tool life is determined based on the Taylor tool life formula which will then be used to determine the optimum cutting. The analysis involves machining variables, namely cutting speed (Vc) and tool wear based on the force criteria. This research is important for MSMEs in determining the cutting conditions when working on a lathe so that the cutting can be optimized by selecting the appropriate tool life. The process of cutting mild steel material on a lathe using an HSS M2 tool gets the optimum data at a cutting speed (Vc) of 29 m/min which results in a tool life of 388 minutes.


HSS M2 chisel, tool life; cutting speed; force criteria; optimum cutting

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