Nor Puji Lestari, Tedjo Mulyono, Anung Suwarno, Sudarmono Sudarmono, Sutarno Sutarno


Soil is one of the most important parts in the construction of civil buildings, because it is used as the main element of the foundation of a building. If the subgrade contains clay, it can cause damage to building construction due to its low bearing capacity. To overcome these properties, stabilization is necessary. Stabilization in this study using sand as a stabilizer. This paper presents the results of a laboratory study on the effect of adding sand to clay to be used as foundation soil. The sand content used for stabilization was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. From the test results, the original soil has a liquid limit of 65,02%, plastic limit of 27,30% and plasticity index of 37,70%. Based on the USCS classification system, the original soil is included in the category of high plasticity clay (CH). Based on these parameters, the soil shear strength (τ) value is 0.0480 kg/cm2. While the result of mixed soil testing is found that the greater level of sand can reduce the properties of plasticity, and shear strength parameters,but the moisture content of soils increased because the sand can’t absorb water completely.


direct shear, plasticity; shear strength; cohesi; internal friction angle

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