Educated job seekers in Indonesia are quite high. The proportion of educated workforce is
higher (74.3%) compared to uneducated job seekers (25.7%). It means that many educated
residents have not found a job (unemployed). It is because, many job seekers do not recognize
how to prepare, deal with and undergo the entire recruitment process for the company. There
was also a problem where most of the tertiary institutions did not have the media for additional
competencies literacy required by prospective alumni to win employment opportunities. To
overcome this problem, this study explored the study literature method, making a description of
the competencies needed in recruitment, providing digital literacy, conducting assessments of
digital literacy to experts. As a result, a description of the competencies needed in the
recruitment test was obtained, the availability of digital literacy that helped prospective college
alumni to practice in order to have the competencies needed to win employment opportunities by
passing all tests held by companies when recruiting new workers.
Keywords: additional competency, digital literacy, winning vacancy
Full Text:
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