Mangrove Rehabilitation Activities In Semarang Indonesia
Each resource utilization of coastal areas can cause changes in ecosystems with a certain scale. One of
the damage caused is abrasion. Abrasion is a change in the shape of the beach or coastal erosion caused
by an imbalance of dynamic beach interactions, both due to natural and non-natural factors. Abrasion
can cause huge losses with damage to the coastal and coastal areas with all life in the region. The
problem of coastal abrasion lately has tended to increase in various regions, including Mangunharjo
Beach, Tugu District, Semarang City. The problems in this region are the higher abrasion rates which
cause the loss of land around the shoreline so that the people's farms also disappear due to abrasion and
damage to the mangrove exocytes from threats 3 W (Wideng, Wedhus, Wong) which can damage the
existence of a mangrove ecosystem. The solution offered by the Polines Team is to assist partners in
planting mangrove seedlings, which is one solution to prevent the spread of ponds lost due to abrasion
and partners are trained to maintain and supervise mangrove ecosystems by the method of providing
assistance, planting mangroves, monitoring and maintaining mangrove plants. The target of this activity
is the planting of 1,200 stems of mangrove seedlings which are strengthened by as many as 1,200 stems in
the pond area to prevent being exposed to abrasion and improve the economy of the community.
Key words: Abrasion, Fish Pond, Mangrove
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DOI: 10.22146/jml.22939
Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 21 of 2008, Concerning The Implementation
Of Disaster Management States