Nanang Budi Sriyanto, Adhy Purnomo, Ariawan Wahyu Putranto, Aryo Satito, Eko Armanto, Heru Saptono, Sisworo Sisworo, Suyadi Suyadi, Ampala Khoryanton


Leyangan village is located in sub district Ungaran Semarang has Karang Taruna Group with
members approximately 30 people. Average member education ranging from elementary to
high school / vocational school with an age of 18 to 40 years. Most are dropout youth and
unemployed youth who have no permanent jobs.
The purpose of Community Service is to provide life skill so that the participants can live
independently, develop the means of production properly, meet the needs of the community for
welding purposes and encourage trainees to have entrepreneurial spirit.
Some of the steps that will be implemented to achieve these objectives are to provide grants
Procurement of new tools, Counseling and Training welding in the application of TTG and
Technical Assistance and counseling. The process of accompaniment is carried out during the
welding process. This is done to ensure that the project runs smoothly. The mentoring process
is also a means to find out how tough the youth of the cadets receive welding exercises in
progress. This dedication to the community also involves students majoring in Mechanical
Engineering POLINES to improve their skills and social learning.

Keywords: Electric Welding, Karang Taruna, welding training

Full Text:



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